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Is it Safe to Use a Sauna While Sick?

When you're sick, your body needs rest and recovery. However, it's hard to feel good while sitting on the couch in your pajamas. If you've been longing to hit the sauna but have been hesitant due to the common misconception that infrared New Zealand saunas are dangerous while sick, fear not! There are many reasons why you should use your infrared sauna even if you are feeling under the weather. Read on for more details.

Are Saunas Good to Use When Sick?

Saunas new zealand is a great way to get rid of toxins, increase circulation, and improve the immune system. They can also help you sweat more efficiently than if you were exercising outside in cold weather. Plus, they're easy on your joints--no jumping jacks required!

If you're sick with a fever or cold symptoms like congestion and stuffy nose (or even if you don't feel like dealing with them), saunas are an excellent option for increasing body temperature while also decreasing stress levels.

How do Infrared Saunas Help Combat a Cold?

While you may not be able to cure cold, infrared saunas can help combat the symptoms of one. When you're sick and in pain, it's easy to feel as though there's nothing that will make you feel better--but infrared saunas can actually help reduce some of the worst symptoms.

Infrared saunas increase circulation in the body and flush toxins out through sweat glands. This helps with pain relief and reduces inflammation in areas where blood flow is poor (such as the sinuses).

Additionally, infrared heat therapy has been shown to reduce coughs by increasing mucus drainage from airways while simultaneously reducing congestion due to mucus buildup causing irritation when trying to breathe normally again after being sick for so long!

Benefits of Using Infrared Saunas When Sick

Using a sauna when you're sick can help you with a number of things. It increases blood flow, which helps with congestion and muscle pain. It also helps to reduce joint pain, stress relief, and helps with sleep issues.

Infrared saunas use far infrared light to create heat deep within the body without heating up the surface of your skin like traditional saunas do. This means that you won't be sweating profusely or feeling fatigued after using one; instead, you'll feel relaxed and rejuvenated!

Recommendations For Using Saunas While Sick

If you're feeling sick and want to use a sauna, there are a few things to keep in mind.

  • Take a break from the sauna if you feel worse. If using a sauna makes you feel worse than before, stop immediately and consult your doctor or health care provider. That said, if it helps alleviate symptoms like pain and fever without causing any new ones (such as nausea), then continue with caution until your condition improves.

  • Use the sauna for short periods of time at first! Your body is already compromised by illness; there's no need to push it too far with long sessions in an enclosed space like an cabin where temperatures can reach up to 140 F (60 C). Instead, opt for shorter sessions that don't exceed 20 minutes until they become comfortable again--and always drink plenty of water throughout each session!


In conclusion, the safest way to use saunas new zealand when you're sick is to wait until your symptoms have gone away. If you still feel ill after a few days, it's probably safe to use one as long as there is no fever and you don't feel chilled or shivery while sitting in it.

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